Lejja hot watering place it is located in BuluE Village Marioriawa District Soppeng Regency distance between about more or less 44 kms from Watansoppeng Town, and 14 kms from Batu-batu is the capital Marioriawa Distric.
Temperature is moderated around till 50 - 60 degree centigrate ( Celsius), so that it can be sure of the desease such as Itchies, rheumatic and other, Lejja swimming poll manoramic is beatiful, cool, interest and pleasure for visiting.
Temperature is moderated around till 50 - 60 degree centigrate ( Celsius), so that it can be sure of the desease such as Itchies, rheumatic and other, Lejja swimming poll manoramic is beatiful, cool, interest and pleasure for visiting.